четверг, 28 июля 2011 г.

Learn more about Georgia

MAIN IDEA There are over 3000 historical monuments in Georgia. Most of them are ancient churches and monasteries built after the fourth century A.D.Lot of people visit these monuments very year. That`s why student should know more bout their past.
The aim of this project to enlarge student`s knowledge about there country’s history. To awake their patriotic feelings and to be proud of their rich historical past. To motivate students to be actively involved in their learning.
ACTUALITY Working over the project would help students to develop research skills and of critical thinking. As students are working on this project in pairs it also develops collaboration skills.
Desired result Students can make poster to represent their project. On the posters can be written some main facts about historical places or can be done with the help of computer.
Main resources While working on project students can use internet as a source of information, can use encyclopedia or other historical books. Besides this he or she can apply to history teacher for help.
Duration Working on project should take two weeks.
Main activity Students divided in pairs are working on project, students of eleven or ten years old.
Assessment At the end of project student should be assessed by rubrics. The teacher told about criteria of rubrics beforehand.

    E-mail -  Antares72002@gmail.com                                                                                         Project`s      website      -     adamidi.blogspot.com

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